Dental bridges are a type of tooth replacement that will fill the gaps of your missing teeth. A dental bridge utilizes your remaining natural teeth to keep the appliance in place. In fact, dental crowns hold the false tooth (or teeth) in your mouth. In order to place the bridge, your dentist must file down a portion of your natural tooth. Then, they will place the dental bridge and cement them with dental crowns.
Unlike dentures, dental bridges remain in your mouth. This means that they are permanently-fixed devices. You must remove dentures for cleaning and sleeping. However, dental bridges cement to your teeth.
Many patients enjoy the convenience of dental bridges. They help restore the look and function of your smile. Rather than worry about slipping dentures or dental implant surgery, you can get dental bridges instead.
One of the benefits of dental bridges is that there is an option for nearly every type of missing tooth.
Traditional Dental Bridge
A traditional dental bridge is the most common type of bridge. The false tooth (pontic) lies between two porcelain dental crowns on your natural teeth (abutment teeth). Fortunately, traditional bridges fit a variety of scenarios. As long as you have two natural teeth and healthy gums, you can utilize traditional bridges.
Cantilever Dental Bridge
However, if you only have one natural tooth for support, there are still bridge options available. A cantilever bridge only requires one abutment tooth to support the dental bridge.
Implant-Supported Dental Bridge
You can even get dental bridges if you have existing dental appliances. Implant-supported dental bridges use dental implants to support their structure. Dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots that a dentist will surgically implant in your jaw. In fact, implant-supported bridges are incredibly sturdy.
Maryland Dental Bridges
Even if you are missing your front teeth, you can still get dental bridges. Maryland dental bridges can fill the space of your missing front teeth. This bridge uses a metal framework to support the structure. Instead of traditional dental crowns, Maryland dental bridges have metal wings that cement to existing teeth.
Caring for Dental Bridges
One of the many benefits of dental bridges is that they remain cemented in your mouth. This means that you don’t have to remove them for cleaning. For example, dentures are a tooth replacement option that you need to remove daily for cleaning and sleep. However, dental bridges stay firmly in your mouth.
In fact, cleaning dental bridges is essentially the same as your natural teeth. You will brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush at least twice a day. Additionally, you will need to floss once a day to remove plaque. However, you will need to use a special type of floss to remove plaque from underneath the dental bridge.
Because dental bridges leave a small gap, plaque can build under the appliance. This means that you can develop gum disease. Therefore, you must be sure to floss underneath the dental bridge properly.